Goldmark Honored in Top 25 Most Engaged Workplaces

Goldmark Honored in Top 25 Most Engaged Workplaces

Goldmark Property Management is thrilled to be named amongst the Top Engaged Workplaces in the FM area by the United Way of Cass-Clay. Collaboration with our community partners remains a major focus for Goldmark and its employees, and giving back to our communities is at the core of who we are.

For many years, we have participated in several United Way events such as Gobble it up, Day of Caring, and the School Supply Drive. We have also had several employees participate in the 35 Under 35 women’s leadership program as well as employees who have engaged in the Emerging Leaders program. In addition to participating in United Way events, volunteer opportunities, and programming, Goldmark also hosts an annual campaign and Fall Fiesta to benefit the work of the United Way. It is opportunity to bring together our teams for some fun and raise funds for a good cause.

United Way’s bold goals align with several initiatives within Goldmark as well, which makes them such a great partner for us. In 2019, we launched our Thrive Initiative, which includes partnering with local agencies to help remove barriers to entry to permanent, stabilized housing for individuals in our community. Partnership with United Way on our aligned pursuit of helping to end homelessness was critical in getting us connected to some key partners in the community to do the best work we can.

Goldmark leadership remains strong supporters of giving back to the communities we serve, and when your giving starts at the top, it permeates throughout the entire organization. We have employees with big hearts who truly care about others. We credit this honorable mention to every one of our employees who contributes to the generosity and engagement of Goldmark in our communities.

Thank you, United Way of Cass Clay for recognizing us as one of the Top Engaged Workplaces. We appreciate the work you do in our community, and we are grateful for your partnership.

United Way List of Top 25 Engageed Employment