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How to Keep your packages safe

How to Keep your packages safe

  |     |   Apartment Living Tips and Insights

With an increase in online shopping, more and more people experience their valuable packages being stolen. In fact, nearly 31% of Americans have experienced package theft in the last year.

When you live in an apartment, it may seem impossible to prevent your packages from being stolen without waiting around all day for the UPS or other services to arrive. There are a few unique solutions that could be available to you.


Talk with your apartment office about the possibility of sending your packages to their address. Many apartment offices will hold your package for a limited amount of time, if they have adequate space to do so. Make sure you understand their policy for sending and picking up packages. You may be asked to show a photo ID, sign a check out form, and office hours may be limit the times you can pick it up. Ensure you have the correct address and confirm with the office if you are expecting an unusual package whether by size or its contents.


You may be able to send your personal packages to your place of work. Make sure you connect with your manager, or anyone else who may accept your package on your behalf. Ensure your place of work is OK with you receiving personal packages. Make sure to ask if there are limitations like size, type of contents, or time of the year you wish receive packages.


You have the option to have your packages held by the delivering facility. When you receive tracking information or a shipping confirmation, often you are able to intercept the package and hold at the delivery facility for personal pickup. Make sure you receive confirmation your package is being held. Additionally, note which facility and its address as well as the time it will be available for you to pick up. It may be the case that you cannot pick up until the evening because it needs to be pulled from a delivery truck that is en route during the day.


While online shopping is extremely convenient for many of us, the thought of our valuable orders being stolen can cause anxiety or frustration. Hopefully one of the options above is an option for you so you can continue to receive your packages stress-free.

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